Dr Qinyi Tan's Homepage


PhD in Education

1. Professional Experience
06/2022- present: Associate Professor of Southwest University, China
12/2014- Present: CEO of Shenzhen Lucy Technology Limited Company, China

2. Educational Background 
10/2011 -12/2014: Autonomous University of Barcelona, PhD in Inclusive Education
09/2008-06/2011: Southwest University, Master of Arts in Education
09/2004-06/2008: Chongqing Three Gorges University, Bachelor of Arts (English and Teaching)
01/2014-06/2016: Yanbian University, Bachelor of Agriculture (Forestry Science)
03/2014-01/2017: Central China Normal University, Bachelor of Law (Social Work)
01/2017-06/2019: Hebei University of Chinese Medicine, Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine
03/2018-06/2020: Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology, Bachelor of Engineering (Geological Engineering)
01/2023-present: Guangxi University Of Chinese Medicine: Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine

3. Research Projects
Coordinator of Erasmus+ CBHE project: Promoting inclusive education through curriculum development and teacher education in China,
Project Manager of Erasmus+ CBHE project: China Intellectual Property Management Network,
Project Manager of Erasmus+ CBHE project: Sustainable Farming,
Coordinator of Ministry educational project: Inclusive attitudes of pre-primary school teachers


2011-2014 China Scholarship Council-PhD Grant, 36000 euros
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Continuing Professional Development

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Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Research Projects

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医学硕士(中医学)Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine 广西中医药大学,医学硕士(中医学)

Learn More1/07/2026

工学学士(地质工程) Bachelor of Engineering (Geological Engineering)

Bachelor of Engineering (Geological Engineering), Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology 黑龙江科技大学,工学学士(地质工程)

Learn More30/06/2020

医学学士(中医学) Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei University of Chinese Medicine 河北中医学院,医学学士(中医学)

Learn More30/06/2019

法学学士(社会工作)Bachelor of Law (Social Work)

Bachelor of Law (Social Work), Central China Normal University 华中师范大学,法学学士(社会工作)

Learn More20/01/2017

农学学士(林业)Bachelor of Agriculture (Forestry Science)

Bachelor of Agriculture (Forestry Science) ,Yanbian University 延边大学,农学学士(林业)

Learn More30/06/2016

教育学博士学位PhD in Education

Autonomous University of Barcelona, PhD in Education 巴塞罗那自治大学,教育学博士学位

Learn More18/12/2014

教育学硕士Master of Arts in Education

Southwest University,Master of Arts in Education 西南大学,教育学硕士

Learn More30/06/2011

文学学士学位Bachelor of Arts in English

Bachelor of Arts in English, Chongqing Three Gorges University, 重庆三峡学院,文学学士

Learn More1/07/2008